Our association wouldn't be able to stand as strong without the assistance of this exclusive group.
By joining this club, members are helping support the foundation of our association with their participation and sponsorships.
They set the foundation for other members to become more involved within the association, hence the name, Foundation Partners.
Benefits of joining the Foundation Partners Include:
Signage at all HBA events (GMMs, Banquets, & more)
Exclusive Sponsor of iFish Tournament, Bob DeVore Golf Classic, annual charity event, Meet the Builder, Parade of Homes, Parade of Homes Awards Banquet, Back to School Backpack Drive & more!
Full page ad in Parade of Homes magazine, app & website (all FP members listed)
Complimentary Ticket to Installation Gala & Meet the Builder events
Open Sponsorship for any new program designed in the year
Contact the HBA Office if you would like to learn more about this marketing benefit.